branded restaurant redesign.
Mert’s Heart & Soul is Charlotte’s own taste of authentic, home-grown, soul food. Opened in 1998, owner James Bazzelle knew he wanted to put a twist on the traditional soul food style by sharing Low Country Gullah-inspired cuisine like you’ve never had before. From collard greens to Charleston red rice to shrimp & grits, Mert’s Heart & Soul is sure to nourish you from the core - not just the stomach.
Striking a partnership with Gullah artist, Natalie Daise, Mert’s new interior boasts Daise’s atmospheric and heart-warming portraiture of Gullah people and the foods that connect them.

north wall elevation
east-west section facing south
north-south section facing east
booth seating.
hostess stand.
main floor from kitchen.
indoor bar.
outdoor bar and dining.
main dining floor with stage in center.